Friday, September 18, 2020

A Brew and a View | Alone (2020)

It’s been a long while since I did one of these videos, but I saw the opportunity this evening and decided to kick back with a cold beer and watch a movie! I’m just now realizing, however, that I’ve never posted a Brew and a View video to the site before. I guess they used to be a YouTube exclusive, but no more!

This time I actually decided to watch something new. I took in Alone, which just came out on VOD yesterday. As for the beer, I had a Boxing Rock Wild Axe pilsner.

Find out my thoughts about each in the video!


Thursday, September 10, 2020

DVD Review | UFO Abduction (1989) | The McPherson Tape?

So, back in January I made you a promise and I am absolutely about to break it into pieces. My apologies in advance, but I just couldn’t help myself!

I’ve talked about the many incarnations of filmmaker Dean Alioto’s UFO films, UFO Abduction and Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County, both the TV and alternate film version, so I’ve clearly beaten this horse to death.

I acknowledge that, but it turns out this horse has a little life left! When I wrote about UFO Abduction, Dean Alioto’s first film foray – a shot-on-video found footage feature 10 years before The Blair Witch Project – I mentioned that it was difficult obtain a legit copy of the film outside of a few avenues, but that is no longer the truth!

It turns out that in October of last year POV Horror – a streaming site for found footage indie films – released a DVD copy titled The McPherson Tape: UFO Abduction, which includes the film, as well as several audio commentary tracks by the director and Found Footage Critic (which has also thoroughly covered the film), an alternate “Bootleg” version of the film, a making of featurette, and a few trailers.

I’ll be honest, I figured outside of a few limited run DVDs that Dean Alioto might print and sell himself that there would never be a full feature release of this short film, let alone one with so many extras.

What’s even more surprising is that there was also recently a Blu-ray release of the film! That’s right. The American Genre Film Archive (AGFA) and distributor Vinegar Syndrome – the place for cult film preservation and hard-to-find film releases – actually put out a high definition release of UFO Abduction in April of this year. This release contains – as far as I know – the same cut of the film as the DVD, but also comes with the Encounters TV segment about the film, which I mentioned in a previous post, and a Q&A from Fantastic Fest. As much as I wanted to pick up the Blu-ray, it’s neither easy nor inexpensive to buy Vinegar Syndrome releases in Nova Scotia, but I could get the POV Horror release at a decent price, so I opted for the DVD.

When I previously watched this movie I had to settle for a very poorly encoded YouTube video from an old VHS that was probably bootlegged and sold at UFO conventions in the early-90s. It made the experience incredibly sub-par, to say the least. Finally getting the see the film as it was intended was a real treat and I very much enjoyed it.

Here’s a video of my thoughts on the DVD!

One thing to note is that it is super weird that they branded this movie “The McPherson Tape”. The family – although I don’t think their last names are ever mentioned – are the Van Heese family. Hilariously, some of them are named Van Hesse on film’s credits. Either way, they are not the McPhersons! That name was the family name of the characters in the second of Alioto’s UFO films. I assume it was renamed this, because it gets more search hits and they wanted the DVD to sell better, but that’s speculation.

So, hopefully this is the last time – at least for a while – that I’ll cover these films. I can’t say never, because if somehow the “actual” The McPherson Tape did get a release, I would most certainly review that, as well!


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

REGIONFREE Episode 0 | Conventions, Scream Factory Friday the 13th Box Set, and more!

If you’ve been following me for a while now you’ll know that since 2013 I’ve been a member of a livestream movie discussion show called The Sausage Factory on YouTube.

We a lot of fun over the years, but the group decided it was time for a change. Not only in format and structure, but it was time to change the name and make a fresh start.

The show is now called REGIONFREE! If you’ve been following The Sausage Factory then you should already be in the know. We’ve migrated the social media and YouTube channels over already! If you weren’t following, REGIONFREE is a genre discussion show without borders. Any topic is up for grabs, but the panelists are certainly big time film buffs and horror fans, so that is often topic du jour.

We recently dropped our first show entitled Episode 0. In it we revealed the new name and some of the details on how content will continue go forward. You can watch the new episode on YouTube right now! Also, if you subscribe to the channel or follow us on Twitter and Facebook you’ll get smaller snippets of the live show dropped right into your feed.

Check us out! If you’re a fan of movies, I think you’ll dig it. There are more exciting improvements and changes coming when the show official starts on October 1st, 2020, just in time for Halloween!

Where to follow us!


Monday, May 25, 2020

Dracula (2020) Series Review

I'm back with another horror review and this time we're kicking back with a new version of an old friend in BBC's latest take on Dracula.

A special note, this video was made entirely in my car. Technology is awesome (even if the video is my usual level of lackluster).

I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

VHyesterdayS: E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1996)

This past weekend officially marked Halfway to Halloween. I usually go out of my way to try and bring a little spooky into the springtime - maybe take out a decoration or two, drink some expired pumpkin coffee, whatever works - but this year all I could muster was watching an old movie... and that movie was E.T. The Extraterrestrial!

I know, I know. It's not a horror movie, but honestly I've been getting lots of horror in my diet lately, so watching something fun seemed just the ticket.

E.T. is, of course, the classic story of a young boy who befriends a wayward alien lost on Earth and trying to find his way home. The cast includes heavy-hitters like Dee Wallace (the ultimate '80s mom) and Peter Coyote, and has a excellent young cast with Robert MacNaughton, Drew Barrymore, and Henry Thomas as the film's main character, Elliott. Oh, and it was directed by Stephen Spielberg. You might've heard of him?

E.T. is a family movie, but don't let that fool you. This is perfect fare for Halloween.

The film is set in late-Autumn, although if you're not from Northern California it might be difficult to tell. Have no fear, though! There are several scenes set literally on Halloween night that include costumes, jack-o-lanterns, and decorations.

There's one costume in particular that I always wanted as a kid. As E.T., Elliott, and his brother Michael head out trick-or-treating they run into Yoda. It has to be a $200 mask and, when I was as kid, I thought it was the greatest thing, but I was stuck with plastic smocks and masks that made my glasses fog up.

For all its window dressings as a kids' movie, E.T. is damn scary. I might be a bit biased in this (E.T. scarred me as a child - something that took me a very long time to get over), but just watch the opening sequence of the film and tell me if you don't get a little creeped out. Also, I think every kid can remember being traumatized by E.T. lying half-dead in a creek with a raccoon literally waiting to feast on his soon-to-be dead body.

Search your feelings, you know it to be true (sorry for all the Star Wars references).

Now, onto the tape!

The original release of E.T. was in 1988 and it has an iconic tape with a black cassette shell and green tape guard. I don't, however, have that version of the movie. I have the 1996 re-release, which comes in a swanky clamshell (to further masquerade the movie as something for children) and has its audio remastered in THX.

This release also includes 10 minutes of special interviews with the cast and crew appended to the end of the tape. It plays out like a vignette. There are snippets of the film with commentary from some of the cast and crew, producer Kathleen Kennedy, and - of course - Stephen Spielberg himself.

These interviews are great and all, but they're actually a small sampling of an hour and a half long documentary directed by Laurent Bouzereau. His documentary about the making of E.T. was included on the Laserdisc, which released beside the 1996 VHS.

Bouzereau actually did several of these documentaries for Laserdisc releases of Spielberg films, most notably Jaws, and although many of the others have managed to find their way onto DVD and even Blu-ray, the documentary for E.T. has never escaped the '96 LD.

In 2002 the Special Edition DVD was released, which was infamously retouched with digital effects and included some deleted scenes. Everyone recalls those "walkie-talkies". Later for the film's 30th anniversary it was released on Blu-ray - in the original theatrical cut - and again on UHD in 2017 to coincide with the 35th anniversary.

Regarding the '96 VHS, the video quality isn't anything to write home about. I have definitely seen better VHS transfers of other movies, which surprises me considering this a Spielberg film. I mean, considering their was a widescreen Laserdisc release right there, it might've been neat to sell this as a widescreen VHS, but I digress. The audio is definitely crisp. The THX digital transfer here is on-point. As a result, this VHS is definitely serviceable and probably the best way to enjoy the film on tape.

So, if you're looking to scare yourself just a little on the road to Halloween this year, consider taking in the classic E.T. The Extraterrestrial. It's a fun (and freaky) stroll down memory lane and there's no better way to get those nostalgic vibes then on an old dusty tape you probably have tucked away on a shelf at your parents' house. Oh, and don't forget the Reese's Pieces!

Happy Halfway to Halloween!

I hope you enjoyed,